受験体験記 Class of 2011
[入学年次] 2010
[年齢] 33
[社費/私費] 社費
[職歴] 大手商社10年
[出願時期] 1st
[海外経験] 海外在住9年、カナダ勤務3年
Oxfordへは1st Roundでアプライし、年内に合格をもらいました。
Oxfordのインタビューアーは原則Oxford MBAの教授、アドミッション、キャリアアドバイザーです。またインタビュアーが誰になるかは事前にはわかりません。インタビュー希望日にAvailableな人間を適宜振り当てるようです。インタビュアーによると思いますので、一概には言えませんが、私のインタビューは大変フランクで、エッセーはよく読み込まれており、エッセーで書いたことをさらに深堀りするような質問から、エッセーとは関係ないものの、私個人に対し興味を持った部分への質問等、幅広くカバーされました。
I will report my Oxford interview conducted on Nov. 17, which overall I think it went well.I was able to enjoy the "conversation" with the interviewer(Professor Reynolds: http://www.sbs.ox.ac.uk/research/people/Pages/JonathanReynolds.aspx).
Admissions staff explained to me after wards that there still are both Faculty and Admissions interviews and it solely depends on those personnel's availability date. On Nov. 17, only Prof. Reynolds was available, so he became my interviewer. His personality was quite frank and friendly, therefore I was able to mostly tell want I wanted to say in responding to each questions.
Also fortunately, Prof. Reynolds spent some time at University of Alberta located in Edmonton, so that we were able to chat about the climate there and that made me familiarize in the beginning with him.
1. Before we start, a very technical matter, you seemed to struggle on GMAT?
* GMAT is my weakest point in my application, but this does not reflect my Academic ability. Therefore I put my efforts towards essay and this interview to demonstrate my overall ability.
* Will this GMAT score be evaluated on whether to be accepted or not after this interview?
Prof. Reynolds emphasized that this as a technical matter(as if saying that this is not even part of an interview), he thinks GMAT is a cut-off criteria. If my GMAT was considered low, I would not have been invited to the interview in the first place. He views GMAT as a test that needs unique "techniques" and favors North American applicants, so that GMAT should only be treated as cutoff consideration.
2. I've noticed that many Japanese MBA holders(I think he meant especially who is more accustomed to North American Style like myself: "Kikoku Shijo" type) struggle to utilize their MBA skills in their careers in Japan. Do you have any view towards this from both personal view point and societal viewpoint?
* Personally, I rather considered my international background and bilingual ability as my strength and chose both University and the Company where I can fully utilize this ability.
* From macro view, I admit that most of the other Japanese companies/industries are very closed. But it is also true that there is a sense of urgency now that those companies must look out side Japan since the population began to decrease and market is shrinking.
Prof. Reynolds further asked that although Mitsubishi might be unique in allowing a characteristic like you to fully utilize your strength, your ability would basically be found useful in the foreign enterprise?
* Although many Japanese companies do have sense of urgency, they are still being hesitant to partner with foreign enterprise or foreigners directly. Therefore trading companies tend to retain a guy like me who have much international exposure.
Prof. Reynolds commented that changing from inside Japanese corporation do make sense.
3. Based on your essay, Canadian government's GTP seems to have a big impact on Alpac. Do you think these Governmental support is necessary in other companies or industries to pursue the same kind of changes?
* xxxx's example through Alpac demonstrated that there is limitation in private only initiative, thus Governmental support is necessary in order to transform the company in this scale. Also, there is also an incentive for the government to participate in GTP type support, because those funding would directly results in "public good". Now, more than ever, in relation to climate change, private and public has a common theme to tackle on(benefit to both) which would results in "public good".
4. You've explained about the business practice of Indonesian Pulp and Paper giant APP. You did not elaborate on the Indonesian governmental role in the essay, can you let me know how the government played the role when APP was conducting environmentally unethical practice? Is it the case that GTP was only possible in Canada because Canada is a matured and wealthy developed nation that can treat Greenhouse gas initiative more of their luxury?
* First of all, I was able to experience two extream business practices, Alpac and APP and learned how Pulp & Paper industry could be both harmful and benefitial to the environment. (Prof. Reynolds strongly agrees)
In APP's case, Indonesian Government was quiet throughout APP's environmental destruction. Indonesia's priority was to solve the poverty. It if about the ultimate choice between bread and environment. This is not only the issue within Pulp and Paper industry, but this is a worldwide issue. It is the same structure as Developed nation vs Developing nation in climate change issue. Does developed nation have right to prohibit developing nation to grow economy? This is one of the most difficult issue humanity faces right now and I don't have a clear answer to this.
Based on my experience with APP, eNGO's played a role to at least limit the destruction of the environment. Also new plantation technology were available so that APP could avoid cutting down tropical rain forests.
Therefore, I think the new technology and the way to manage "balance" between economy and environment is the key to solve this issue.
5. Any comments or questions in regards to Oxford MBA?
* Comments: I personally think that since the world recession in '08, paradigm has been drastically shifting and so the MBA program also has to re-define the model and Oxford MBA is well positioned, because the MBA program is still new and very flexible on crafting the program, and also Oxford MBA does not only deal with pure business matters. I see that Oxford MBA is integrating Business, policies and social aspects all together and has all those resources within the whole Oxford community. This is exactly what I experienced through Alpac and GTP, and that it what I expect to Oxford MBA the most.
Also, as I won't have to devote my time on recruiting activity, I will try and participate in College community to network with diverse range of students. (Prof. Reynolds added that being little more mature(in age) than other students and focused on goals, he agrees that I would have that time)
* Question: Oxford MBA being new, does MBA program perceived and accepted within the Oxford community?
Oxford MBA were able to have support from Oxford community and at the same time were able to invite many of the outside faculty. 21st Century school (which I addressed) is one good example of inter-institutional collaboration, and there are many of other projects which relates with many other Oxford schools.
Interview ended here, it went 10 minutes over (40minutes).
[入学年次] 2010
[年齢] 30
[社費/私費] 社費
[職歴] 政府系金融機関9年
[出願時期] 1st
[海外経験] 海外在住9年、海外出張経験
私の場合は、面接官は教授ではなく、career advisor(元LBS Career Advisor)でした。それもあってか(?)、非常に一般的な質問である一方、将来のキャリアに関する質問を集中的にされました(Walk me through your resume? Challenge? Achievements? Goal? Why MBA? Why Oxford?)。そして、Career Goal達成のために、今何をしているか、また、今後何をする予定か、など聞かれました。2012年度もこの傾向は変わっていないと思います。面接時間は30分です。25分が面接、最後の5分が質問。
Interviewer: Susanne, career advisor at Oxford. (ex-LBS career advisor)
Questions: very general.
Length: 30 minutes
0. When did you arrive? What were you doing after arrival?
1. Walk me through your resume.
2. What was your largest challenge in your career?
3. Why MBA?
4. When did you start considering MBA?
5. Why Oxford?
6. What will you do before starting MBA in order to reach your goal?
7. Do you want to go back to your sponsored company? Is there any buyout possibilities?
8. Any questions x 3